It is time for a relaxed end-of-summer party. The kids are back in school, football and apple season is upon us, and the weather is beautiful. Whether you are going small or bigger, try some of these easy recipes. It is a relaxing holiday, so you deserve great food that is easy to make.

I now love Labor Day. Once, it was just a long weekend to work for me, but now it is the gateway to my favorite months, with cooler weather, the most beautiful change of season, and college football season.
Although it is "labor" day, none of us want to work for our fun. I present a few grand, simple ways to cap off the "traditional" summer season. Be sure to get to the end of this post, and you will be rewarded with an enjoyable Labor Day story. Do you have one?
🔥Backyard BBQ Grill Recipes
Fire up the grill for some end-of-the-season great taste. With these recipes, you pick the amount, which is perfect if you are cooking for two.
🔥Other classic grill recipes
Other great classic recipes can be cooked smaller than you think or bigger for larger gatherings or leftovers.
👨🍳Sauce and Dry Rubs
Enhancement for almost any recipe—homemade is the best, freshest, and economical.
🥣Grilling Side Dishes
There is nothing like grilled vegetables or fruits. That extra grill flavor is just outstanding.
👨🍳No grill, no problem; take it inside
Not everybody has a grill; you can have similar results cooking inside.
🥧Pie, Pie, Pie, and Kinda Pie
Your holiday meal desires a great ending that everybody will be talking about.
😀My Bad—A Labor Day Story
When I first started my private practice almost 50 years ago, I started in mid-August, and the other pediatrician went on vacation a week later (his first is over a year old).
I was left to see patients and make all business decisions. It was the Friday before Labor Day, and I said good night to the employees and told them I would see them on Monday. A huge scream went up.
Them: "No, Tuesday"
Me: "Monday"
Them: (very loudly) "Tuesday, Monday is Labor Day."
Me: "So"
Them: "It's a holiday."
Me: "No"
Them: "YES"
Me: "A real holiday? I thought it was like Ground Hog Day or Columbus Day."
Them: "See you TUESDAY," they all shook their heads as they walked out snickering.
Me: "Hmmm, OK."
In my defense, I have just come out of years of medical training, working 80 to 100 hours per week. There were only two holidays, the Fourth of July and Christmas, and you got one off. All the rest of the days were equal, meaning they were nothing special, and you worked.
My bad, I guess.
I put that in to see if anybody got this far. And it is totally true. Even the wording is correct. Who else has a Labor Day story?
It is up to you to keep your friends and family safe. I frequently see dangerous food handling on TV food shows and other blogs. So, know the rules. PLEASE.
Check out food safety suggestions from for best practices to keep everybody's holiday safe and healthy.

So relax and enjoy yourself. Grill a hot dog and have some ice cream. Enjoy your family and reflect on the last few years. Be kind to all and be filled with grace.
Wifo, Molly, Lilly, and DrDan

Originally Published August 31, 2014. This post is reused yearly but is edited and updated annually. Some comments may be from previous years.
Dolores Jacklin says
At 95 yrs. of age, I'm on my own doing my own cooking. I especially like your"Cooking for Two" recipes which I sometimes freeze or share with my retired son. Yes, we're all aging, but keeping active with a sensible diet is the secret. Thanks to you and all my "Docs". Dolores
Dan Mikesell AKA DrDan says
Hi Dolores,
Welcome to the blog. And thanks so much for the note—it is always nice to know I'm helping.
Janet Gatlin says
Happy Labor Day, Dr Dan! Love getting your emails!!
PS. Glad you let your employees off that first Labor Day 😉
Gloria Bates says
Have a wonderful and safe Labor Day! I always look forward to your emails, and especially love the doggie pictures :)
Fran says
You are such a delight to deal read your recipes and see the pix of your precious pets. Many of the recipes are great for me and my husband, but I just enjoy you whether or not the recipe is up our alley. Keep up the good are a bright spot in this world. Here's wishing you and your loved ones --- pets definitely included -- a wonderful and tasty Labor Day! Take care....stay healthy.
Jean says
Your the greatest. Please take very good care of yourself you mean a lot to us.
Happy Labor Day!
Beverly Barndt says
A Happy Labor Day to you also as well! and your little dogs too!
Janice says
I appreciate all you go through to keep this blog for us!
Deborah Zuniga says
Enjoy your recipes and doggie updates! Please notify when new ones post. Thanks!
Deborah Zuniga / Round Rock, Texas